Gulliver's Travels (2010) HD Sinhala Dubbed Movie

Gulliver's Travel (2010): A Cool Twist on a Really Old Story

Hey, in 2010, "Gulliver's Travels," which is like a movie version of Jonathan Swift's classic tale, decided to mix things up and add some comedy. The movie, directed by Rob Letterman starring funny guy Jack Black as the main dude, puts a modern spin on Lemuel Gulliver's adventures. This article will tell you all about story, characters, and what makes this adaptation special.

What's the Story?

Okay, so this guy named Lemuel Gulliver works in the mailroom at some New York newspaper. He's not super high up on the totem pole but dreams big about becoming a travel writer. So, he kind of talks his way into writing about the Bermuda Triangle and sets off on an adventure that changes everything.

Lilliput Action

As Gulliver heads into the Bermuda Triangle, he gets stuck in a storm and ends up on this teeny tiny island called Lilliput where there are itty-bitty people. At first, they catch him but then hey realize he can help them fight back against their enemies in Blefuscu. Because he's giant-sized compared to them, Gulliver becomes their hero. The Lilliputian King is totally amazed by him.

Gulliver Does Some Stuff

Gulliver doesn't just kick butt physically in Lilliput; he also brings all sorts of modern stuff to those little guys like "Star Wars," "Titanic," and even Guitar Hero. It's like mixing modern-day stuff with traditional island life – pretty funny stuff.

The Big Move to Brobdingnag

After lots of crazy adventures, Gulliver ends up on Brobdingnag where he becomes the tiny guy among giants. There he meets a sweet girl named Darcy Silverman who helps him out big time. He learns some important lessons here that mirror what he went through in Lilliput but on a much bigger scale.

Character Growth

Jack Black really brings out the funny and sweet sides of Gulliver through comedy and heart. At first, Gulliver comes off as kind of dopey and full of it but his journey helps him grow personally a whole lot. By the end of everything, he's way more sure of himself and real – understanding his true strengths.

Bunch of Other Cool People

There are other awesome peeps that help make things fun like Emily Blunt as Princess Mary from Lilliput who goes from not trusting Gulliver to respecting him tons. Jason Segel plays Horatio who starts out as just an everyday guy but turns into Gulliver's bestie. Chris O'Dowd plays General Edward who gets super jelly and bumbles around with Gulliver.

Funny Stuff & Modern Tricks

This movie mixes old-school times and today's world together super well with mentions of modern music and gadgets (hello smartphones!). The clash between what’s new now and what was happening long ago gives audiences tons to giggle at while watching.

Cool Visuals & Filming

The effects in "Gulliver’s Travels" are really awesome – especially when they show how big or small characters seem next to each other. They use both practical effects and CGI to bring those scenes alive super epic style! And those sweeping landscapes? Wow!

Good Themes & Lessons

Sure, "Gulliver's Travel" (2010) is all about being funny but it also has some deep moments packed with self-discovery lessons too. It talks about finding your true self, being honest always, plus how being kind wins every time. Through Gulliver’s experiences we see that true greatness actually comes from within - not from tall tales or appearances.

Review Say-So & After Thoughts

Critics didn’t all agree about how rad it was – some loved Jack Black’s acting and cool visuals while others said it wasn’t like the original story enough. But viewers thought it was pretty cool! They appreciated the light-hearted humor mixed with new flavors for an old tale - making Jonathan Swift’s classic tale fresh for today’s folks!

Final Words

You know what? "Gulliver’s Travel" (2010) is something awesome for sure! With Jack Black bringing charm on screen along with great laughs plus those amazing visual tricks – it revamps Lemuel Gulliver’s wild ride for everyone now watching! Even if it doesn’t copy-paste the original story exactly - its heartwarming themes & fun storyline makes it totally worth checking out if you're down for adventure mixed with lots of giggles!





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