Toys (1992)
The film Toys released in the year 1992 is an eccentric comedious piece of work which probably most of you are yet to watch. This comedy was directed by Barry Levinson In this film Robin Williams portrays the role of a man-child named Leslie Zevo, who has to defend his father’s toy manufacturing plant from his uncle, a man, who tends to want war; Michael Gambon. You can best get the idea by imagining a factory that produces toys and is run by Willy Wonka from the movie.
Concerning the plot, like the individuals, it is quite outrageous. General Zevo changed the toy factory which, before that, produced harmless funny toys into a military factory and started manufacturing toys that are related to warfare. Leslie is absolutely against this change and wants to prevent a cool and spirited mood because of his imagination and rather childish personality. He has an equally crazed sister Alsatia who helps him with planning how to frustrate his uncle’s evil plans Leslie is played by..
As for personalities, they are heavily stressed in the movie known as “Toys”, and the characters of which can be hardly nicknamed quite normal. Robin Williams is excellent as the perpetually manic and enthusiastic Leslie, with Jennifer Lopez standing her ground and holding her own, albeit in rather loud and shrill tones. Joan Cusack is great and natural as the unsophisticated and probably mentally ill Alsatia. There is then LL Cool J, who acts as Captain Patrick Zevo, the General’s son who is loveable but mad, wears pajamas that blend with the environment and who seems to live in the walls. Indeed, you were understanding things clearly, though I didn’t want to say it to you.
It is remarkably colorful, and this is due to its creative settings and original decorations. Enormous teddy bears, some sort of peculiar gizmos, and lots of odd-looking gadgets are in the toy factory, and they become the toy factory as character. When you’re positioned in a circumstance such as this, you get the desire to jump right in and begin an exploration.
The major theme of “Toys” is between good and evil or rather between childishness and maturity: between happiness that is depicted by childish features and the reality of the world that has almost no space for happiness. The plot of the film relates to the need for acceptance and rejection of prejudices, but it is shown as a funny story. Leslie and Alsatia do try to manipulate the military toys in one of the most famous scenes, by replacing their figures with cruel and funny lookalikes which leads to a rather funny and crazy fight.
The comedy in the movie is rather peculiar and at times can be considered bizarre. At some points, you will have the giggles, or at other points, you will be scratching your head, but in a good way. The movie gets the benefit of Robin Williams who is a completely improvised comedian and that’s why it provides a lot of full entertainment in the movie.
To this end, the movie boasts of rather peculiar looks mostly accompanied by the songs of Tori Amos and Hans Zimmer as well as other artists.
Therefore, one can state that “Toys” is a rather distinct and enjoyable movie that is filled with comedy, romance, and just a hint of the bizarre. It postulates exactly what the people of this world, sometimes so serious and heavy, need – fun and creativity. Thus, if you are looking for something different and want to Watch ‘Toys’ hence comedies. This is all I can declare to you: just be prepared for a crazy ride!